Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Roadside Story interview

MAke & Jukkis were interviewed for the french website rock.finlandais.(15/01/2012. All rights reserved)

You can read the english version below:

BĂ©linda: Hello. How are you ?

Make: Salut! I am fine thanks :)
Jukkis: Hello! Still alive & feeling fine, thank you!

B: 2011 has just finished. How would you sum up this year ?

J: Well 2011 was crazy & full of cool experiences! First of all we spent time in the studio recording our upcoming debut album Kings Of The Underground. Between recording we did gigs here and there, released our In The eye of the wind / Euphoria single and last but definitely not least got signed! So last year was cool, let’s make this year even better!

B: In 2011, you finally signed with a record label. It’s a great news for the band!

M: Thanks! It’s definitely great news. We have been working so much for it and
it feels great to see the result.

B: Your first upcoming album is done and will be released soon. How do you feel about this?

J: We all feel excited! People are really into it, asking when it will be released, which is always important and cool thing! We had fun making it as it is conveyed perfectly in our “Roadside Story: Studio Rockument” but also the fact we spent so much blood, sweat and tears on making the record makes it kind of more meaningful and rewarding.

B: How would you describe it ?

J: Pure Rock n’ fuckin’ Roll at its best! All the songs, the cover, hell the whole package is so freaking cool that people will go apeshit! We promise it! The name of the album “ Kings Of The Underground” describes perfectly what it’s all about!

B: Your bassist left the band last year. Can you tell more about it?

M: Hmmm..All i can say is that working with our previous bassist felt good in the beginning, but it’s a shame that I cant say that things were that good in the last period of his existence as a RS-member.

J: Don’t know maybe he started feeling that this band is not his thing you know. Me and Makey have done all the songs and we started this whole thing and we ain’t gonna change it a bit if we don’t feel that way you know. What I’m saying is we do our own thing, we ain’t gonna follow any trends or listen somebody how to do our work. We follow our hearts!

B: Fortunately, you have found another one. Can you introduce him and tell us more about him ?

M: YES! We have found a new bassist and he follows the name Jake! At the moment
we are practising for the up-coming gigs with him. Jake pays lots of attention to the band and he has brought much new good ideas.

B: With the release of the album, I guess there will be gigs, and maybe a tour? In which countries?

M:Right after releasing the album we should make some gigs in Finland and UK. We have lots of plans to make gigs in other countries also, but cant mention anything more about it cause nothing is sure so far.

B: Thanks to your french fans, RS will be broadcasted on 2 french web radio-stations. What does it mean for you?

J: It’s always cool and important that people spread the word! We really appreciate it!

M: It means that there are people in France who love RS and are willing to make us more popular there :)

B: What can we wish you for this new year ?

J: The release of our Kings Of The Undergound debut album, shitload of gigs and maybe some more kick ass Roadisde Story video footage!

M: Lots of Tinto!!!!

B: Ready to conquer France and the world ?

J: We’ve been ready since we started! Let’s fuckin’ start this crazy motherfucker!

M: We are about to release an awesome rock album and we have a good line-up, so YES! we are really ready to hit the stages in France and in other countries as well and show people how much RS rocks on the stage! :)

B: Thanks to you two and I hope to see you soon in France. J

J: Hey thanks, it was a pleasure! Yes let’s hope we’ll see you all in France! Let’s make it happen! Keep on rocking and rolling!

M: Merci merci! I wish the same :)

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